Unika Balls Crib Biting

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Balls Crib Biting Unika


Unika Balls Crib Biting contains plant substances that improve the natural salivation system, increasing the amount of saliva produced in a completely physiological way. The alkalinity of saliva, when it reaches the stomach, helps the horse in a completely natural and physiological way to counteract the highly acidic gastric environment, giving a feeling of well-being. By improving the natural well-being of the stomach, the horse with a tic tac will be able to obtain an improvement in live weight, a better shine of the coat, an improved external visual appearance and a regained general condition.

Unika Balls also have other important characteristics: they are handcrafted, produced in Italy , formulated with 93% plant-based ingredients, completely free of cereals and sugars and rich in noble raw materials such as soy and rice. This is precisely why they are also suitable for horses intolerant to cereals, horses on a low glycemic index diet and competitive horses that make significant muscular efforts and for which the introduction of sugars is highly discouraged as it would encourage the production of lactic acid.”

(Given the specificity of each individual organism, it is always good practice to test new food products, gradually introducing them into the horse's diet to evaluate their tolerance).

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