
Spray sanitizing solution for the hoof.


Vegetable Oleo-Margarines, Rice wax, Myrica cerifera lipid derivative, grape seed oil.


refreshing, sanitizing, calming, emollient, balsamic, soothing, ideal for preventing painful conditions affecting the hoof due to dryness and problems of poor elasticity, frequent in the summer and late spring seasons. Specific formulation for the care and health of the horse's frog and sole. The special basic formulation of Alkyl-dimethyl-benzyl-ammonium saccharinate gives the product a high activity which is essential for the control of bacterial degradation of the frog; as well as in daily care, the product is used in case of detachments, abscesses, woodworm, summer sores, ulcerations, etc., thus favoring the functionality of the movement of the limb at the base of which is the mechanism of expansion and contraction of the hoof.


Clean the area to be treated, removing any residues. Shake the can then spray directly on the part from a distance of about 20 cm with short and repeated sprays, limiting each spray to a duration of 3-5 seconds in order to avoid excessive cooling. Repeat the treatment up to three times a day.

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